Proxy in browser

How to Disable Proxy

A proxy server is a computer system server that helps to connect people seeking information with the appropriate resources. A proxy server can be said to be a middle-man that connects a user to the relevant information he or she needs. The proxy server has numerous advantages which includes:

  1. Anonymous Online presence

When using a proxy server, your IP Address is invisible to the website operators as the only thing they can see and probably log is the IP Address belonging to the proxy server.

  1. Geo-Restrictions has got nothing on you

Since the proxy server changes and hides your IP Address, you can access contents that are restricted by geo-locations.

  1. Fast Loading

Since the proxy server keeps a tab on all the websites you have visited (cache), once you request for a cached page, it get displayed fast and this will help you reduce the length of time spent. However, if you request for a page that is not in the cache, it might take longer process to load and display. Although the proxy server is a good one, it is best to note that it should not be totally relied on as it does not provide an all-round security as the VPN, here you can find top 5 vpn. This is one reason why you may feel the need to disable your proxy server. Asides that, if your personal computer is being attacked by a stubborn malware and in the process or removing it manually, you get redirected to unwanted sites without your permission, you have to consider disabling proxy settings. The process of disabling proxy settings in web browsers are not too difficult although it is each web browser to its method of disabling proxy settings, this post features the fastest steps to disabling proxy settings in Google Chrome.

How to Disable Proxy Settings in Google chrome

  1. First off, open the menu “Customize and Control Google Chrome” by clicking the three-line icon at the top right corner.
  2. Select “settings” on the left, find Network and click on “change proxy settings”.
  3. Click open the ” LAN Settings” button and untick the box for “Use a proxy server for your LAN”.
  4. Click OK and that’s all. You have successfully disabled your proxy settings.

By Paul

Paul Adams is a 35-year-old tradesperson who enjoys going to the movies, watching television and badminton. He is kind and stable, but can also be very rude and a bit stingy.

He is Greek. He started college but never finished the course. He is a vegan who is allergic to peanuts. He has a severe phobia of clowns, and is obsessed with gangnam style.

Physically, Paul is in pretty good shape. He is average-height with light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.

He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. He was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

He is currently married to Bianca Paige French. Bianca is the same age as him and works as a builder.

Paul has two children with wife Bianca: Bailey aged 3 and Krista aged 7.

Paul's best friend is a tradesperson called Elena Hughes. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Deacon James and Nellie Lyons. They enjoy extreme ironing together.

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