A proxy server is either a computer system server or an application server that serves like a connection for requests from people seeking information from other servers. Simply put, the HTTP Proxy acts like a middle man between people seeking information or any resources at all. When you connect to the proxy server in a […]
Author: Paul
Paul Adams is a 35-year-old tradesperson who enjoys going to the movies, watching television and badminton. He is kind and stable, but can also be very rude and a bit stingy.
He is Greek. He started college but never finished the course. He is a vegan who is allergic to peanuts. He has a severe phobia of clowns, and is obsessed with gangnam style.
Physically, Paul is in pretty good shape. He is average-height with light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.
He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. He was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.
He is currently married to Bianca Paige French. Bianca is the same age as him and works as a builder.
Paul has two children with wife Bianca: Bailey aged 3 and Krista aged 7.
Paul's best friend is a tradesperson called Elena Hughes. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Deacon James and Nellie Lyons. They enjoy extreme ironing together.
How to Use a Proxy in Chrome
How proxy servers works? Proxy servers are usually other computers that serve as a liaison between a computer and the internet. It receives internet requests from a computer and finds the information the computer needs. This setup helps to ensure an internet user’s anonymity and privacy when using the internet. It can also be used […]
How to Set Up a Proxy Server
What does a proxy mean? In layman’s terms, a proxy means a delegate or an envoy who has been assigned as a representative for someone else. In tech terms, A proxy or proxy server means a component, usually another computer that manages the interactions with the internet from a LAN. In more basic terms, a […]